On October 12, 2014, the Group of Asian International Education (GAIE) and the Fire Department of Dist.1 jointly held a training session in fire prevention and fighting for fire unit of GAIE.
The training session aimed to provide the fire unit of GAIE with basic knowledge about fire and explosions.

Overview of the training
Mr. Nguyen Thanh Lam, who is working at the Fire Department of Dist.1, presented basic knowledge about fire prevention and fighting. Besides, he also showed some data and fire cases in HCMC last year and warned about the danger and losses caused by fire and explosions.

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Lam was disseminating knowledge about fire prevention and fighting
During the training session, firefighters from the Fire Department indicated reasons for fire and ways to prevent fire and explosions. This practical knowledge helped all attendees raise awareness of fire to minimize fire cases.

Fire unit of GAIE at the training
In training session, firefighters from the Fire Department of Dist. 1 introduced tools and equipment that are widely used in fire prevention, instructed how to use extinguishers and other equipment, and showed methods in saving victims in fire cases.

Practice escaping from fire by rope

Practice using fire equipment

Practice using extinguishers
The Fire Department recognized the considerable efforts of GAIE in fire prevention and fighting. By building active and knowledgeable fire unit, GAIE is committed to ensuring the absolute safety for all students and staff members.
Since its establishment, GAIE annually hold fire prevention and fighting to help the fire unit completely understand the regulations, gain knowledge about fire prevention and fighting as well as use fire equipment and prevent the risk of fire. Besides, GAIE builds active fire unit, ready for any situation.
Besides training sessions, GAIE and the Fire Department of Dist.1, Dist.3 regularly jointly hold fire drills at all campuses in HCMC to evaluate and learn from experience in order to comply with current regulations in fire prevention and fighting Law.