The International program of Asian International School is designed on the K-12 education standards of American Education Reaches Out (AERO) and Common Core State Standard. The syllabi of the school are compiled and checked by the Academic Council. Students of Asian International School have a diverse knowledge.
Course Sequence Chart:












Our goal is to prepare students to participate in society as literate citizens equipped with the ability to communicate effectively in their communities, in the work place, and in their continuing education. In studying English, our students will develop skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing, thus enabling them to express themselves creatively and imaginatively.
Proficient use of the English language will enable our students to explore and articulate the complex issues and ideas encountered in public and personal life. Students will acquire the ability to make full and effective use of written and spoken language in their educational, occupational, and personal endeavors.
English Language Arts – Starter Level
This course provides grade 6 students with integrated English language arts study in reading, writing, listening and speaking, and language for college, career preparation and readiness in alignment with AERO Common Core Plus: English Languages Arts Standards for Grades 6-12. The course engages students in interactive text-based discussions, question generation, and research on familiar topics. It offers students opportunities to build vocabulary, listening and speaking skills in context over time and to respond more thoughtfully as they gain new perspectives, information, and data. Reading instruction engages students with content-rich, complex texts along with purposeful, close reading activities, and teaches them how to comprehend texts. Students are also introduced to the conventions of Standard English, knowledge of language, and vocabulary acquisition aligned with the College and Career Readiness (CCR) anchor standards at grade level.
English Language Arts – Elementary Level
This course provides grade 7 students with integrated English language arts study in reading, writing, listening and speaking, and language for college, career preparation and readiness in alignment with AERO Common Core Plus: English Languages Arts Standards for Grades 6-12. The course engages students in interactive text-based discussions, question generation, and research on familiar topics, building upon the skills they learned in grade 6. Students build vocabulary, listening and speaking skills in context over time and are expected to respond more thoughtfully as they gain new perspectives, information, and data. Reading instruction engages students with content-rich, complex texts along with purposeful, close reading activities, and teaches them how to comprehend texts. Students also continue to be involved in the conventions of Standard English, knowledge of language, and vocabulary acquisition aligned with the College and Career Readiness (CCR) anchor standards at grade level.
English Language Arts – Pre-Intermediate Level
This course provides grade 8 students with integrated English language arts study in reading, writing, listening and speaking, and language for college, career preparation and readiness in alignment with AERO Common Core Plus: English Languages Arts Standards for Grades 6-12. Students are engaged in interactive text-based discussions, question generation, and research on various topics. Students will be exposed to diverse readings from a wide variety of genres; informational texts provided by selected publishers with literature from an array of different authors. Students will participate in a series of short-projects and discussions that will seek to challenge personal perspectives in order to think critically about society and the world beyond. Students develop listening and speaking skills through collaborative activities: they develop their speaking skills to express their ideas clearly, and their listening skills to better participate in lectures, classroom discussions, and cooperative group activities. Students also improve the conventions of Standard English, knowledge of language, and vocabulary acquisition aligned with the College and Career Readiness (CCR) anchor standards at grade level.
English Language Arts – Intermediate Level
This course provides grade 9 students with integrated English language arts study in reading, writing, listening and speaking, and language for college, career preparation and readiness in alignment with AERO Common Core Plus: English Languages Arts Standards for Grades 6-12. This course will strive to expose students to diverse readings from a wide variety of genres; meshing informational texts provided by selected publishers with literature from an array of different authors. Students will participate in a series of projects and discussions that will seek to challenge personal perspectives in order to think critically about society and the world beyond. Students develop listening and speaking skills through collaborative activities: they further develop their speaking skills to express their ideas clearly, and their listening skills to better participate in lectures, classroom discussions, and cooperative group activities. Students also improve the conventions of Standard English, knowledge of language, and vocabulary acquisition aligned with the College and Career Readiness (CCR) anchor standards at grade level.
English Langue Arts – Upper-Intermediate Level
This course provides grade 10 students with integrated English language arts study in reading, writing, listening and speaking, and language for college, career preparation and readiness in alignment with AERO Common Core Plus: English Languages Arts Standards for Grades 6-12. Students at this grade level will continue to engage with the language skills, knowledge, and activities to meet the same standards for grade 9 in accordance with the AERO ELA Framework. They will be exposed to diverse readings from a wide variety of genres; meshing informational texts provided by selected publishers. Students will participate in a series of projects and discussions that will seek to challenge personal perspectives in order to think critically about society and the world beyond. Students develop listening and speaking skills through collaborative activities: they continue to develop their speaking skills to express their ideas clearly, and their listening skills to better participate in lectures, classroom discussions, and cooperative group activities. Students also improve the conventions of Standard English, knowledge of language, and vocabulary acquisition aligned with the College and Career Readiness (CCR) anchor standards at grade level.
English Language Arts - TOEFL Beginner Level
This college preparatory course is offered to students in grade 11. The course provides students with integrated English language arts study in reading, writing, listening and speaking, and language for college, career preparation and readiness in alignment with AERO Common Core Plus: English Languages Arts Standards for Grades 6-12. In this course, students will engage with a variety of academic skills tasks that will ultimately help them establish the foundation of academic and other related skills necessary in the classroom in higher education and beyond. To be proficient in reading and writing with academic topics and other academic matters, students are involved in improving higher order thinking skills, including analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating. To do so, sometimes students will conduct some other activities requiring other skills, such as research and discussion. Through those activities, students will learn how to address issues and opinions in a formal way abiding by academic integrity in writing. Students are involved in listening and speaking tasks with a variety of topics and classroom activities, including discussion, debate, and oral presentation. Students will also develop effective interpersonal and social skills allowing for comfortable relationships in a variety of social settings, which are necessary to become global citizens.
English Language Arts – TOEFL Intermediate Level
This one-semester long college preparatory course will be offered to students in grade 12. The course provides students with integrated English language arts study in reading, writing, listening and speaking, and language for college, career preparation and readiness in alignment with AERO Common Core Plus: English Languages Arts Standards for Grades 6-12. In this course, students will continue to engage with the language skills, knowledge, and activities to meet the same standards for grade 11 in accordance with the AERO ELA Framework. They will work on a variety of academic skills tasks that will help them further improve the academic and other related skills necessary in the classroom in higher education and beyond. To be proficient in reading and writing with academic topics and other academic matters, students are involved in improving higher order thinking skills, including analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating. Through those activities, students will learn how to address issues and opinions in a formal way abiding by academic integrity in writing. Students are involved in listening and speaking tasks with a variety of topics and classroom activities, including discussion, debate, and oral presentation. Students will also develop effective interpersonal and social skills allowing for comfortable relationships in a variety of social settings.
Our goal is to develop socially aware global citizens. We prepare our students to be actively involved in their world through critical understanding and evaluation of relevant world issues and patterns, and develop an understanding of the natural and human process that shape our world and change our environment, and then they will be able to share their understanding in an organized and logical framework.
Geography - Intermediate Level
Geography for Intermediate level is all about planet Earth and introduces students to the key concepts of the subject, beginning with the formation of the planet and how we humans got here. It explores the human and natural processes that are changing the planet as well as how physical geography influences human activity and the movements of people. Furthermore, students will develop practical mapping skills essential to be a good geographer. Activities emphasize exploration and investigation and provide practice in different types of skill: geographical, literacy, numeracy, thinking, listening, speaking, teamwork and ICT skills.
Geography - Upper-intermediate Level
Students at Upper-Intermediate level explore the climate and physical characteristics of a country and how they influence population distribution and human activity. In addition, the course examines the movement of populations around the world. Physical systems are emphasized in units about rivers, flooding, and the planet’s ever-changing surface through tectonic activity and how these physical forces affect populations and how we try to protect ourselves from them. In the same manner, activities emphasize exploration and investigation, and provide practice in different types of skill: geographical, literacy, numeracy, thinking, listening, speaking, teamwork and ICT skills.
Geography - TOEFL Beginner Level
The Geography course for TOEFL Beginner level begins by introducing Geographical Information System and their uses in society. It continues with further study of human geography and population patterns and examines how both human and natural planetary forces interact and combine to cause long term changes to our planet. In addition, students examine the causes and effects of rapid urbanization and planning more sustainable urban centers for the future. The course then looks at the processes that shape coastlines and develop skills in drawing diagrams to show these processes. Activities focus on Geographical Enquiry: asking geographical questions, thinking critically, constructively and creatively; displaying information; analyzing and evaluating evidence, and presenting findings to draw and justify conclusions, Visual Literacy: using maps at a range of scales, photographs and other geographical data; constructing maps, and Geographical Communication: communicating knowledge and understanding using geographical vocabulary and conventions in both talk and writing.
Geography - TOEFL Intermediate Level
This semester of study focuses largely on environmental issues that are extremely relevant in today’s world. One of the main focus points is the likely human causes of global warming and climate change, and the resulting disasters. Furthermore, students explore alternative energy sources and sustainable development. Activities emphasize Geographical Enquiry: asking geographical questions, thinking critically, constructively and creatively; analyzing and evaluating evidence, and presenting findings to draw and justify conclusions; finding new ways of applying geographical skills to create new interpretations of space and place, Visual Literacy: using globes and maps at a range of scales, photographs, satellite images and other geographical data; constructing maps, and Geographical Communication: communicating knowledge and understanding using geographical vocabulary and conventions in both talk and writing.
Our goal is to equip students with the reasoning skill, critical and analytical thinking skills, and problem solving skill which are necessary not only for understanding science and technology, engineering, business, finance and economics, but also for its use in personal decision-making, in the workplace and in everyday living. Mathematics is a powerful learning tool. It is an excellent vehicle for the development and enhancement of the intellectual competence of an individual. Students develop numeracy, spatial visualization, analysis, estimation and abstract thinking in learning and application of mathematics.
Math - Starter Level
Mathematics for Starter level introduces students to the fundamentals of Mathematical skills. This course focuses on the mastery of skills in basic operations on natural numbers, rational numbers (fractions), integers, with the integration of mental computation and shorthand technique. At this level, students will start to develop the geometry concepts of lines and angle recognition through identifying and constructing angles while further developing computational skills and applying these in solving problems in real life situations.
Math - Elementary Level
Mathematics for Elementary level provides the language and structure of reasoning used as foundation in other branches of Mathematics. It is conceptualized and designed to make Mathematics fully integrated with one’s daily life and the improvement of student’s logical and critical thinking skills as they challenge themselves in solving different real-life problems. The concept of proportional relationships at the start of the chapter gives an overview of how mathematical concepts are needed in real situations. This is followed by creating logical algebraic expressions that represents certain scenarios and solving this using the concept of equations. The contents also cover measurements as well as geometry skills.
Math - Pre-intermediate Level
Mathematics for Pre-intermediate level aims to help students develop the critical thinking as they are expected to solve complex algebraic equations and visualize solutions to real-life problems. This course will extend their prior understanding of proportional relations and begin working with functions through patterns using special products of polynomials. Mastery in these topics will help students prepare for computational skills that involves solving linear and rational equations. Such knowledge will be use in solving real-life scenarios like number problems, distance problems and geometric concepts.
Math - Intermediate Level
Mathematics for Intermediate level introduces students to advanced mathematical skills. The course deals with the preparation of Mathematics for high school level. The topics included will allow students to explore deeper concepts in geometry, patterns, functions and algebra. Mathematical relations, linear functions and quadratic functions are also offered in the course. Students are required to perform more intricate calculations as they apply these in solving problems in real life situations.
Math - Upper-intermediate Level
Mathematics for Upper-Intermediate level introduces students to trigonometry, vectors, and matrices. Students will learn about the Pythagorean Theorem and its application to trigonometry. Other topics will include the six standard trigonometric ratios, trigonometry in the unit circle, proving trigonometric identities, and understanding inverse trigonometric functions. Students will learn how to solve trigonometric equations and other applications of trigonometry. In addition, students will study basic vectors, operations on vectors, and applications of vectors. Finally, students will be introduced to basic matrices, operations on matrices, and invertible matrices.
Math - TOEFL Beginner Level
Mathematics for TOEFL Beginner level is intended to build upon the mathematics students learned in Upper-intermediate level. The topics covered in TOEFL Beginner are those of pre-calculus including limits, derivatives, and integrals. Students are first introduced to advanced function concepts such as function composition, operations on functions, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Special emphasis is given to Euler’s number (e) and natural logarithms. Students will then be introduced to the concept of limits, derivatives, and integrals.
Math - TOEFL Intermediate Level
Mathematics for TOEFL Intermediate level is a math course that complements and expands the mathematical content and concepts of functions and precalculus students learned in TOEFL Beginner level in the context of Probability and Statistics. Students will learn about basic probability models and delve into conditional probability, frequency tables, and graphically representing data. Topics will continue and include basic statistics including random variables (both discrete and continuous), binomial distributions, and normal distributions.
The Science subjectguides and empowers students to develop the ability to access information which will contribute to an overall functioning of how and why things work like they do. In doing so, the curriculums being used are aligned with the Vietnamese curriculums and AERO Standards. Moreover, students are given the opportunities to enhance their science skills through various techniques that include research, investigating skills, and application of Science-Technology-Engineering-Arts-Math (S.T.E.A.M.) concept through various assessment tools, experiments and student-centered activities. To develop a strong understanding of science, students are encouraged to master a moderate number of crucial concepts and principles, and gradually expand their knowledge on those topics. Aside from the mastered skills from various topics, students will have the confidence to implement and share their ideas, experiment, innovate, and ultimately develop practical solutions as well. Our Science Department seeks to inspire students to focus on four strands of science proficiency: developing the ability to know, using and interpreting scientific explanations of the natural world; generating and evaluating scientific evidence; understanding the development of scientific knowledge; learning to participate productively in scientific practices and discussions. In addition, the Science Department creates differentiated learning approaches and activities for students in need. Lastly, every student who has completed each course will understand the importance of practical approaches to problem-solving and experience success.
Science - Starter Level
General Science at Starter Level is designed for students to learn about Living Things, Plants and Animal Kingdom, Importance of Plants, The Simplest Living Things, The Universe, Planets, Earth, Matter and Its Properties, and Everything is Matter. The main target of this course is to develop students’ understanding of new science vocabulary, study skills and increase science literacy. In this stage, students are introduced to basic lab equipment & techniques. Students will develop an understanding of cell structure and cell function. They are able to classify living things into five kingdoms and identify the main characteristics of plant and animal kingdom, enhance the knowledge on the simplest living things, observe microorganisms under the microscope, learn about the characteristics of the universe and earth, identify phases of the moon and reproduce conditions of solar and lunar eclipse. Students will develop the knowledge of physical properties common to all objects and substances and understand the nature of matter. Students will create an understanding of the characteristics of energy and the interactions between matter and energy. Science at Starter Level is more than just learning from the textbooks; there is a lot of practical work and laboratory experiments pertaining to the topics, which are also included to develop important experimental skills as well as to make students thorough in the topics. The experiments are developed in such a way to develop scientific inquiries and critical thinking skills. Projects and group work are also included as part of the course to develop research and collaborative skills among students. Overall, the course is also differentiated and structured in such a way to engage various and diverse students into the world of Science.
Science - Elementary Level
General Science at Elementary Level is designed for students to learn about Minerals, Rocks, Invertebrates, Vertebrates, Earth's Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Forces, and Friction. The main target of this course is to develop students’ understanding of new science vocabulary, study skills and increase science literacy. In this stage, students are introduced to basic lab equipment & techniques. Students will construct an understanding of the composition of the atmosphere, study the atmospheric variables that affect weather conditions, enhance the knowledge of hydrosphere, the properties and distribution of water on Earth, learn about mineral composition, their uses and properties, identify various types of rocks and their process of formation. Students will formulate the knowledge of physical properties common to all objects and substances and understand the nature of matter. Students will interpret how properties of elements and the location of elements on the periodic table are related, and differentiate atoms, elements, molecules and crystals. Students will apply an understanding of the characteristics of energy and the interactions between matter and energy. Since Science at Elementary Level is more than just learning from books; they have a lot of practical work and laboratory experiments pertaining to the topics which are also included to develop important experimental skills as well as to make students thorough in the topics. The experiments are developed in such a way to develop scientific inquiries and critical thinking skills. Projects and group work are also included as part of the course to develop research and collaborative skills among students. Overall, the course is also differentiated and structured in such a way to engage various and diverse students into the world of Science.
General Science – Pre-Intermediate Level
The Science (Biology), Pre-Intermediate Course is designed to give students a clear picture about Stay healthy, Basis of Life, Interaction and Coordination, Nervous System, Circulatory and Respiratory System, Digestive System, Excretory System, Reproductive System, The Structure of Ecosystem and Ecosystem. In short, this General Science provides students with the necessary skills for a smooth transition from Elementary level to Pre-intermediate level. Last but not least, students will do practical experiments to enhance understanding as well as basic lab techniques. In this course, students are expected to acquire certain higher-level General Science Education competencies. In particular, they should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the methods and limits of scientific investigation and apply scientific approaches to answer questions about the earth and environment. Students have chances to do laboratory experiments that develop important experimental skills as well as to make them thorough with the topics. The experiments are developed in such a way to develop students’ scientifically critical thinking skills. Projects and group work are also part of the course to develop research and collaborative skills among students.
Physics - Pre-Intermediate Level
Pre-Intermediate Physics course is designed to assist students on having a proper and accurate understanding of the concepts, models, theories, universal principles, and facts that explain and correlate with the physical world. This will lead to a better understanding of the universe and the objects in it, specifically the Earth where we live. This course will also develop skills in both practical and conceptual understanding on forces, motion, thermal energy transfer, states and other properties of matter. Students will be guided on performing different laboratory experiments, classroom tasks, and online activities to support scientific concepts and applying to everyday life.
Physics - Intermediate Level
Intermediate Level Science is designed to help students develop a deeper understanding of the physical world around us which affects our daily life. Students will be able to understand basic concepts of electricity, magnetism, energy, waves and their relevance to the planet Earth. This course deals with the interaction of electrical charges in various materials; how electric currents result from separation of charge and the movement of electrons; comparison between series and parallel circuits involving varying resistances, voltages, and currents; relating electrical energy to power consumption; understanding the concept and theories of magnetism and its implementation in the practical world; advantages and disadvantages of using conventional and alternative energy sources; creating awareness of one of the major problems in the world - climate change; applications of oscillations and waves. Students will also gain an understanding about the structure, dynamics, and geophysical systems of the planet Earth. In this course, students will be able to prove science concepts through different laboratory activities and experiments.
Chemistry – Upper-Intermediate Level
Chemistry at Upper-Intermediate level helps students build their interest in and their enthusiasm for science. This course is intended to help students realize the important role of chemistry in their personal and professional lives, and use principles of chemistry to think more intelligently about current issues they will encounter involving science and technology. The Chemistry syllabus in this level enables students to understand the technological world in which they live, and take an informed interest in science and scientific development. Students will gain an understanding of the basic principles of Chemistry through a mix of theoretical and practical studies. The topics students will deal with in this course are chemistry laboratory skills, atoms, molecules, ions, elements, compounds, names and formulae for compounds, ionic bonding, covalent bonding, mixtures, methods for separating mixtures, types of chemical reactions, physical properties used to identify pure substances, properties of metals and non-metals. They will build on their critical thinking skills and how to use these skills to solve complex problems in the area of chemistry. Students will also use inquiries to solve problems through scientific investigation. Eventually, students will develop an understanding of scientific skills essential for further studies and useful applications in everyday life.
Chemistry - TOEFL Beginner Level
This course is designed to help students build their interest in and their enthusiasm for science. This course is intended to help students realize the important role of chemistry in their personal and professional lives, and use principles of chemistry to think more intelligently about current issues they will encounter involving science and technology. Students in this course will develop a lifelong awareness of the potential and the limitations of science and technology. The topics students will deal with in this course are chemistry laboratory skills, the electrolysis process and how the process is applied to aqueous solutions, quantitative aspects of formulae and equations, periodic table and the elements’ reactivity, the uses of water as a solvent, and its properties, structures and the properties of acids and basis in relationship to the pH scale and their reactions and organic chemistry. Students will build on their critical thinking skills and how to use these skills to solve complex problems both individually and as a team member in the area of chemistry. Students will also use inquiries to solve problems through scientific investigation. Eventually, students will learn not only chemistry in this course but also how to make good life choices through thinking about the outcomes of their choices and investigations about life.
Chemistry - TOEFL Intermediate Level
This course aims to help students build up their chemistry skills to a point in which they are adequately prepared for their university introductory chemistry course. This course is intended to help students realize the important role of chemistry in their personal and academic lives. It will help students use principles of chemistry to think more intelligently about current issues they will encounter involving science and technology at university level. Students in this course will develop a lifelong awareness of the potential and the limitations of science and technology. Topics students will deal with in this course are chemistry laboratory skills, petrochemicals and polymers, alternative fuels and energy sources, combustion reactions, and enthalpy and measuring its change for every reaction, and chemical analysis and investigations. Students will build on their critical thinking skills and how to use these skills to solve complex problems both individually and as a team member in these areas. Students will be aware of the current issues revolving around the existence of plastics and their impact on our environment and be able to develop ideal projects that can help save the environment from the harmful effects of plastics. They will also be aware of the harmful effects of burning fossil fuel as a means of producing energy sources. Students will also use inquiry to solve problems through scientific investigation by learning the nature of scientific methods, planning and experimental investigations, controlling variables and interpreting observations and data. In the end, students will learn not only chemistry in this course but also how to make good life choices through thinking about the outcomes of their choices and investigations about life.
Our goal is to develop global citizens who possess historical awareness. We desire that our students will be actively involved in their world through critical understanding of world history and its present-day implications. Working from a solid foundation of knowledge about a wide range of historical societies, students will be able to communicate about historical issues and articulate views about history in an organized and logical framework.
History - Starter Level
Students begin to learn about human prehistory and several major ancient civilizations. In each of the civilization studies, students explore geography, social structure, law, government, belief systems, economics and trade, and culture and technology. Using a range of written texts and visual images, including primary and secondary sources, students participate in engaging learning activities that promote cooperation and communication, whilst simultaneously developing analytical and critical thinking skills.
History - Elementary Level
Students will take intensive historical lessons about The Middle Ages, Renaissance Italy, The Vikings and the Spanish Conquest of South America. Students will also do research projects relating to various medieval societies including the Vikings, the Polynesians and more. Following medieval time, students will explore geography, social structure, law, government, belief systems, economics and trade, culture and technology. Using a range of written texts and visual images, including primary sources, students participate in engaging learning activities that promote cooperation and communication, whilst simultaneously developing analytical and critical thinking skills.
History - Pre-Intermediate Level
Students will begin with the Industrial Revolution and end with World War I. In this modern timeframe, students explore geography, social structure, law, government, belief systems, economics and trade, and culture and technology. Using a range of written texts and visual images, including primary and secondary sources, students participate in engaging learning activities that promote cooperation and communication simultaneously developing analytical and critical thinking skills.
Literature helps students to become well-rounded “world citizens” who have a unique multicultural and multilingual educational experience. Literature covers literary forms, elements, devices, techniques, and literary writing skills for critical and creative analysis. Students are given a solid foundation in literacy education. Its main purpose is to develop students’ appreciation of literature as an expression of life, laid out in the past in different contexts and circumstances, which is told in short stories, poetry, plays, novels, and expository texts. As a result, students will be able to connect to the literary selections vicariously and enhance their multicultural understanding.
The Balanced-Literacy approach equips students to comprehend texts and employ varied writing skills to convey their ideas by utilizing specific writing processes. First, they are immersed in a genre through their reading and discover the features of the literary piece, as well as the craft techniques used by authors. Students learn in a supportive environment where lessons are designed with appropriate scaffolding to meet the needs of all. They will employ their understanding through literary analysis; integrate literary works to their current lives and to the world, and demonstrate how to think and work creatively. Students manifest an increased level of reading comprehension, vocabulary, language, and oral and written communication skills. A gradual and anticipated release of responsibility from the teacher to students moves learners along a planned continuum on their journey toward independence.
Literature - Intermediate Level
Literature plays an important role in discussing, shows an imperfect life, complexities, and uncertainties. It also improves reader’s knowledge, focuses on a study of literary genres, and author’s descriptive skill in short stories. Students will develop an understanding of the way and form of a work of literature by reading literary pieces. Literary appreciation is encouraged by presenting the author’s biography for critical interpretation, deeper emotional pleasure, and intellectual grasp in a literary piece. Through extensive study, students explore the world of Literature that encourages them to become critical and reflective thinkers and to develop personal aesthetic standards for print media as art forms.
Literature - Upper-Intermediate Level
In the second year, Literature focuses on the study of literary types such as short stories, personal letters, poetry, and memoirs. Students will continue to develop vocabulary and apply effective reading strategies to a wide variety of literary and informational texts. They will work to establish effective writing habits and refine their language skills as they apply to the listening, viewing, thinking, and speaking skills. Although our reading will include a variety of different world-views, learning to read critically and look at literature through different points of view will be applied to all reading and writing assignments which include imaginative, expository, and analytical assignments.
Literature - TOEFL Beginner Level
By the third year in the program, students should begin to show mastery of understanding literary elements and concepts, the author’s skills in various works, and the foundations of writing styles. Short stories, poems, and persuasive expository texts about life’s choices, taking and overcoming challenges, and making and standing firm in decisions will be explored. The selections provided students with ability to reflect the cultural mosaic that constitutes the world’s diverse population. Students are encouraged to consider the cultural context of each literary work and pay close attention to its language, continue the process of deepening the knowledge of literacy education, and acquire some new knowledge. This will allow students to go deeper into the connections between the author, the literature, their own lives, and their creative and analytical abilities.
Literature - TOEFL Intermediate Level
This seminar provides students with the opportunity to read, analyze, and dissect complex literary works in the different genres of classic novels and learn about the great diversity of human experiences. These selections reflect a broad spectrum of human minds and the unlimited imagination of authors. Students will look for formal and thematic similarities between literary works about the parallelism of the authors’ works, and influences into their own lives. Students will continue to show mastery in the discussions of the author’s craftsmanship, and in writing about mythic elements in literature, and demonstrate their comprehension, analytical skills, problem-solving abilities, independent thinking, and creativity.