IPS Library
Today, reading has become an essential part in the journey of seeking knowledge and improving each person’s personality. With this fact, the Asian International School has always consciously built a quality library to provide vital support for students, researchers and staff, complementing academic activities.
I. Overview
Since the first year of the Asian International School, the library has been invested as an essential place for each member of the school. Located in convenient locations, the library provides a quiet place with a wide open space for students and teachers to look up the information and brings them the best result of reading.
The school library now possesses a diverse and quality amount of documents with 16,182 titles, including reference books, textbooks, technical books, and 6 different types of newspapers. The students can easily find books in many fields such as Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Languages, Literature, Philosophy, History, Geography, Biology, Art, Sports, etc.
II. Organization
The library was built in the open form: the outermost bookshelf is for self- selection, the others arranged logically contain books for lending, including 6 sections of Science books and reference books for students. Besides, the students can also broaden their knowledge through many different kinds of books at advance level.
The library is divided into many parts to help students quickly find the needed documents, for example, foreign language books, comic books, moral examples of Uncle Ho, Science books, Literature books, etc. There are also some bookshelves containing the materials for teachers such as law books, reference books on psychology, education, technical books and teaching methods.
Especially, foreign language books in the library are abundant with nearly 2,000 materials in many fields. The selected materials have to contain good contents, published by renowned publishers such as Oxford, Hellbling, Ladybirth and Cambridge to provide students and teachers a prestigious resource of reference materials.
The library is arranged reasonably and classified by categories and topics.
III. Activities
At the early days of the operation, with passion, the librarians and the class teachers have held a lot of useful activities that attract students to the library.

Students at primary level of the Asian International School have Reading-Book periods every week when they are guided to explore the different topics and oriented towards the reading culture. Teachers, staff and the managers often contribute ideas to improve the library or add new titles to diversify the book resources. Consequently, the library is the heart of the excitement in all the students and teachers’ mind.